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menstrual disc

how to auto dump menstrual discs: a guide

Menstrual discs are rapidly becoming a preferred period product due to their comfort and convenience. One unique feature of these discs is the auto-dumping function, which allows the disc to release some menstrual fluid without needing removal. This guide explains how to auto dump a menstrual disc, its advantages, and how to use this feature for a more effortless period experience.

what does auto dump mean for a menstrual disc?

Auto-dumping, also known as self-emptying, happens when your menstrual disc naturally releases some collected menstrual fluid while using the toilet. The pressure from pelvic muscles during urination or bowel movements presses against the disc, causing it to tilt and empty its contents. This function allows for a hands-free emptying process without needing to remove the disc.

This self-emptying feature is especially useful for those with heavier menstrual flows, as it helps extend wear time without frequent manual cleaning.

how to auto dump a menstrual disc

1. insert your disc correctly

For auto-dumping to work effectively, your menstrual disc must be positioned correctly. It should sit higher in the vaginal canal, behind the pubic bone, forming a secure seal that prevents leaks.

2. use the toilet as usual

Auto-dumping naturally occurs while sitting on the toilet. The pelvic muscles push against the disc, causing it to shift slightly and release fluid. Most users find that no additional effort is needed for this process.

3. allow your body to do the work

There’s no need to force anything! The auto-dumping mechanism is triggered naturally during bathroom use. After emptying, the disc typically returns to its correct position on its own.

4. adjust if necessary

If you feel that the disc has shifted after auto-dumping, use a clean finger to gently reposition it above the pubic bone.

why auto dumping is beneficial

Auto-dumping is particularly advantageous for those with heavy flows, as it extends the time between manual emptying and reduces the frequency of disc cleaning. However, it’s essential to remember that auto-dumping is not a substitute for regular cleaning. You should still remove and clean your disc every 12 hours to maintain proper hygiene.

Compared to other period products like tampons or menstrual cups, the auto-dumping feature makes menstrual discs a more convenient and low-maintenance option.

what if my disc doesn’t auto dump?

Some users may not experience auto-dumping, depending on how the disc fits their body. If the disc sits snugly between the pubic bone and vaginal fornix, it may not tip enough to release fluid.

If you notice leaking at times other than when you're using the toilet, it could indicate that the disc is too large or not positioned correctly. Adjusting the size or placement of the disc may help resolve this.

how to tell if your disc is leaking or auto dumping

It’s important to differentiate between leaking and auto-dumping. Auto-dumping occurs when the disc releases fluid during toilet use, while leaking happens at other times throughout the day. If your disc leaks outside of bathroom use, it may not be properly sealed or may need replacing.

final thoughts on how to auto dump a menstrual disc

Auto-dumping is a standout feature that enhances the convenience of using a menstrual disc, especially for those with a heavier flow. By understanding how to auto dump a menstrual disc, you can maximise this function and enjoy a more hassle-free period experience. Even if auto-dumping doesn’t occur for you, menstrual discs remain a comfortable and sustainable period care solution.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about menstrual discs, explore my mimi's range of products and helpful resources for a more comfortable period experience.